Wednesday, July 11, 2012

8 of Pentacles

I drew today's card rather late in the day as things turned a bit off this morning before I got that far. Also a friend turned up and I did a reading for her. Interestingly, in spite of very thorough shuffling by both of us we both drew the 8 of Pentacles!

Deviant Moon - 8 of Pentacles

So this is a card of training, attention to detail, learning new skills or improving those you have, maybe going back as a beginner. It is about working for you and your own satisfaction, even if no one but me ever see's the work.

In my friends case I applied this to a new relationship, she is learning new skills and has gone back to the beginning again. For me I am beginning my tarot study again after a long hiatus, and also my art and craft for my online business. Because I am making things to sell I am naturally more diligent about the finer details than I would be if I were just making for my own use.

Looking at this card in direct relationship to today, it could apply to the things mentioned above, but it could also apply to me going back to the beginning of a friendship... all these things are kind of happening at the moment.

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