Friday, December 7, 2012

Bune - A Fallen Angel

 Today's draw from the Fallen Angels Oracle is Bune... this is what  S.L. MacGregor Mathers had to say about him in the Goetia  (1904):

 The Twenty-sixth Spirit is Bune (or Bim). He is a Strong, Great and Mighty Duke. He appeareth in the form of a Dragon with three heads, one like a Dog, one like a Gryphon, and one like a Man. He speaketh with a high and comely Voice. He changeth the Place of the Dead, and causeth the Spirits which be under him to gather together upon your Sepulchres. He giveth Riches unto a Man, and maketh him Wise and Eloquent. He giveth true Answers unto Demands. And he governeth 30 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, unto the which he oweth Obedience. He hath another Seal (which is the first of these but the last is the best).

Bune - Fallen Angels Oracle

It is hard to make out from the card but this angelic figure does have the head of an Eagle or a gryphon. Apparently Bune is connected with the wolves too, which is timely as I recently watched an amazing movie on youtube:  Living with Wolves.

Bune is one of the great dukes of hell, the word on this card is adventure but I am not quite sure how it applies. As Bune also has some connection with Anubis the jackal headed, Egyptian funeral God who weighs hearts at death, so he is sometimes compared to the Death card in the tarot. Although this card can hint at an actual ending or death, it tends to relate more often, to a transition from one stage of life to the next.

Nothing new there... especially after yesterdays Wheel!

I find the Fallen Angels quite hard to read with, I do love them but the images are not that open to intuitive readings. Still they proved a good lesson in Demonology and the Lesser Key of Solomon!

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