Friday, December 21, 2012

What Will End Today?

As it is that day today, I asked the Tarot to show me something that would end... or at least begin to end with the change in energy that this Solstice, and the end of the Mayan Calender will bring. No doubt I can feel something shifting on this planet, unless it's just within me.

I couldn't have drawn a more appropriate card.....

Six of Stones - Wildwood Tarot

The Six of Stones..... the Exploitation card in this wonderful deck. The card shows two starving beggers, broken tools at their feet. Behind them are six sad looking very damaged beehives, but no bee's buzzing in and out.  Further back is a dead tree, what looks like a dried up river bed and a sky full of fire and smoke, destroying the land and polluting the air we breathe.

This is a warning card...if we don't stop this raping and pillaging of our planet, we could end up like these beggers. Noone believes it will happen, but I do. Unless we stop

It is a brilliant card to draw as an ending card, and I sincerely hope this ending begins now. Please do all you can to stop the exploitation of our planet and all it's lifeforms.

There are things we can all do to make a difference. Be aware of where your food comes from, avoid factory farmed animals, and war funding multi national companies. Grow whatever food you can, even if you only have a window box! Buy fairly traded, tea, coffee, chocolate, sugar wherever you can, do not support the exploitation of workers. Shower less, its bad for your skin, use eco friendly detergents or baking soda. Avoid products tested on animals. Take less trips by car. Educate your children, friends and families! Tell them why you are doing these things and don't back down just to keep the peace... that kind of peace is too expensive!!

Recycle, recycle, recycle!

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