Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The High Priest

This guy reminds me of someone I have met. He seems a bit more of a Father Christmas than a High Priest or Hierophant.

Once again, I got the same card twice... I had forgotten to do my daily draw and realised this while I was out. I did a random with an iPhone app and got The Hierophant. When I got home I thought I would just test these Witches.... so I did my usual daily draw method.... and up came the High Priest.. what can I say?

I need wise counseling? Well I have been waiting to see a psychologist for a while now, maybe the appointment will come this week! Another meaning for this card is to join a club or group and have to do things their way. This has been cropping up recently with a local club a friend and I go to. They have suddenly gotten much stricter with rules, almost to the point of making it uncomfortable to go there anymore, it is such a change from how it used to be. But maybe we are seeing things the wrong way and need to adjust a little :)

My son has joined a new group today, and I have to go to pick him up now...!

Happy High priest Day.......

The High Priest - Witches Tarot

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