Saturday, November 17, 2012

Three of Wands

The image here reminds me of being in England, especially Hereford, with all the church spires. It looks like there is water in the background, like a sea or ocean maybe, and there is land in the distance. A figure climbs to the top of the tower and is welding a tall aerial or radio mast to the apex of the roof. I am sure it is an aerial because in the glossy overlay there are many signal rings emanating from the tip of the mast. These rings of wireless waves are overlapping with other rings from other tall spires.....

The Wands and Pentacles in the Silicon Dawn deck are kind of swapped, elementally anyway, although the meanings of the two cards are fairly similar, the elements are very different.... earth instead of fire. When perched on top of what could be a lightning pole I guess it is far better to be earthed than a molten rod of fire.

Three of Wands - Tarot of the Silicon Dawn
This card has a few elements similar to the traditional RWS Three of Pentacles ... the spire could be a cathedral spire, the figure is using a tool of the trade by the looks of it, she also appears to be above the other spires and know what she is doing. Maybe the signals coming in from the other spires are signals of appreciation ... many hands clapping!

This deck is totally different from any other and yet it is sometimes a comfort to relate back to what is familiar. other times I feel the opposite! The signals seem to me like a message from afar, but it is getting mixed up with other messages. Could it be that the message I am sending out is being drowned out, by those coming in, or I am not giving a strong enough signal? Who or what is calling me. Am I actually sending any messages or just receiving?

Am I being called to other lands.... over the sea? Or am I just having trouble tuning in to Radio Wales to listen to the new series of Phil the Shelf.... ;)

Who are the two figures in the windows of the cathedral ... if it is a cathedral? Are they working, praying for my safety? Or are they meant to be holding the ladder!

Well I really do feel mixed up, I  sense mixed messages from the universe at the moment. But generally, this card bodes well!

This is my last draw from the Silicon Dawn as this week's deck of the week, but I am reluctant to let it go! I have decided next week to choose a new deck, and use it along with the Tarot of the Silicon Dawn. I may draw the daily card with my next chosen deck and compare it with the same card from the Silicon Dawn, or, I might draw two different cards. Haven't decided on the new deck yet.


  1. Try it with the Faeries' Oracle! I dare ya! :D

  2. Ok Carla..I will next week,this week it is playing with Tarot of the Sweet Twilight.... for its sins :) Loved your posts of last week!
