Friday, November 23, 2012

Eight of Wands and The Hermit

Swiftness and The Hermit......  The Eight of Wands is quite close in some ways to the Ace of Wands of yesterday. It speakers of moving now, to avoid missing opportunities. But it also is about doing things in the right order at the right time. I couldn't help thinking of yesterday's Ace of Wands from this same deck, with it's giant ripe apple. The little person seeing to the dead part of the tree could actually be doing things at the wrong time or in the wrong order. While she attends to the dying leaves (which are beyond saving....), the big juicy apple could fast become rotten.. we can only see one side of it...there could already be a small worm eating it's way in there. So the Ace could also speak of missed chances like the Eight of Wands.

The Eight of Wands from Tarot of the Sweet Twilight is unusual in that it has a person it in, albeit a tree creature! I love this card love how all things are happening in unison, like the perfect arrangement of the eights. Her look is focused on the other Wands of which she is the eighth, one small movement of her fantastical hands and magic will happen for sure. Already wonderful mushrooms are growing for her and the butterfly's attend the ceremony.... maybe helping spread the spores of the fungi.  They could also represent flying..... like in a plane... to another land... and a new adventure.. woo hoo!! I have been thinking a lot of travel lately. A very magical Alice type card which has to bode well for me at this time. Whatever magic it is I need to create. I am sure the answer will be revealed soon.

Eight of Wands and The Hermit  

From the Silicon Dawn, I drew The Hermit.. another gorgeous looking card :) Love the colours and the sense of fun which are quite opposite the usual depictions The Hermit tarot card. This hermit looks rather like a fool, in jesters hat, complete with bells. She seems to have walked through some kind of barrier, maybe from a mundane world to a more esoteric place, where secrets are hidden deep, like the workings of these gears we see here. This hermit carries a light between her hands... or is it a glow emanating from her.. a sign of her new found inner enlightenment? I could of course be illusory ...a trick of reflected sunlight, or a flare from a camera flash. She doesn't look behind her as she leaves her old pad... is she ready to go back into the world or merely fancies a different and funkier hermitage?

I definitely feel the energy of The Hermit card, very strongly at the moment. I need to spend more time looking in, I want to know which path to take next and what I am looking for.... I need answers.
The 9 is a magic number in many mathematical ways.... it also looks like it is curling up into itself, like a primitive tailed embryo. I do feel a strong need for time alone at the moment, and I do want to understand a lot of things about me and life and why things happen as they do, how to change things..... I just need to keep looking within to find the answers.

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