Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Moon

I have a very different opinion of this deck than I had a week ago, I have to say. The Witches have proved themselves beyond their duty, and I take back all bad words said. Botox, murk up and all, they are here to stay! Also if I look slightly cross eyed at the offending cards I can almost see the bad plastic surgery job as brush marks of a pre digital era ;)

Today I drew The Moon... and I realised that I had dream't of this card last night. Totally out of the blue I had a dream about being offered all these drug cocktails, especially LSD, and everyone around me was taking them... but tho half of me thought about it, something deep down inside screamed NO..! You don't need those... you re way better without them. So I walked away from them, knowing the voice was right. I just bought Thirteen's ebook on Aeclectic Tarot and this is a little of what she has to say about the Moon:

With Pisces as its ruling sign, the Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. At its darkest this can be a very scary card warning the querent of hidden enemies, mental illness, alcoholic blackouts or a bad drug trip. At its very best, however, the Moon is a card of genius, of mental breakthroughs, astonishing creativity, powerful magic, and intuition.
The querent who gets this card should be warned that they may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial, a time when they’ll do things that seem to make sense to them, yet when they come out of it they’ll wonder, “Why did I do that? It makes no sense!” Their mind will be playing tricks on them, and so this is not a good time for making decisions that require rational thought and a clear head.
This card can, likewise, signal a crazy time for relationships. Whirlwind romances, powerful and dreamlike, but not trustworthy. For families and friends this is a time of emotional ups and downs.
If the querent has any past mental problems, they must be vigilant in taking their medication and seeing their therapist. They should avoid recreational drugs or alcohol, they will have a bad reaction if they take either. At the same time, the Moon signals great creativity, enhanced psychic powers, visions. The querent’s judgment may not be trustworthy, but they will have intuitive flashes that are remarkably accurate.

Note the mention of the drugs ....  The dream was also very illusory, and kind of like going through the looking glass. So many things were the total opposite of what they are in the waking life, and I chose to reject that. Even though it was a dream I feel pretty cool about it!

I am a Cancerian, we are ruled by the Moon and it fits me perfectly. We are headed fast for the New Moon and the total solar eclipse, so it is even more fitting. It is a pretty big thing for us lunartics when the Moon eclipses the Sun, I am sure there will be a certain amount of madness in the air! I am looking forward to seeing what I can of it, although it wont be the totality some lucky folk will witness over Cairns. For those of you in New Zealand we should see maybe a 75% eclipse of the Sun round about 10.30 on the morning of Tuesday 14th November. The current weather forecast for Tuesday is cloud and rain, so in that case we probably wont notice much.

But I will *FEEL* the power!!!

The Moon - Witches Tarot

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